Marketing|Demand Creation Blog: Thoughts on strategy, lead optimization, social media and the digital space

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Oh, Man, I Knew There Had to be at Least One

Image: The AdTrack Dashboard: Key Indicators Report
This is exactly what I meant when I railed against some business dashboards in an earlier post. While using a car dashboard graphic for a sales & marketing dashboard may seem like the obvious choice, critical business data may be obscured in the chartjunk of an interface that is too cute to be taken seriously. To be honest, it seems almost intentionally designed to distract executives from what's really going on by hiding the measurements in plain sight. Not sure what they were thinking over at AdTrack.

Image: The Marketing Pi Dashboard
While there probably is no such thing as a perfect marketing dashboard, I like Phoenix Marketing's take on it much better with their Marketing Pi Dashboard. It's a simple, clean layout that employs Excel-like chart designs business people are used to seeing. The Creative Executions tab is a nice touch I haven't seen integrated before. What would be really interesting is to see how (or if) they manage to connect campaign creative to the sales metrics in a meaningful way. That would be a great benefit to marketers looking to get the most from their creative development and even apply a little measurement science to an area that has traditionally been too "squishy" to connect to revenue-generating numbers.
Joseph Mann Thursday, September 21, 2006


The Phoenix Marketing dashboard looks nice, can you include a link to where I can see a larger version? I scoured the company site but couldn't find it.
When I returned to the Phoenix site the page I originally found with the image was no longer there, but if you do a Google Image search on "Marketing dashboard" you'll find a link to the image itself slightly larger than the thumbnail in my post.

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